


Digital ATV

My first foray into ATV was via a kind loan of FM 23cm transmitter loaned by Danny, VK4KI.  This was after I attempted to build a 23cm FM transmitter consisting of modules from for the Redcliffe & Districts Radio Club.  Danny kindly assisted with getting the Club's transmitter going.  And then I was hooked.

A 23cm TX module was acquired, and a Minikits 23cm PA was constructed and assembled into a 2RU rack case.  Some reasonable results, once the pre-emphasis was sorted out.

However, there was digital to explore.  The BATC ( organised a deal with AntennaAir for a frequency agile DVB-S transmitter module, bewdy!  So again it was assembled into a 2RU enclosure with a 23cm PA and on air it goes.

My station looks a little like this, the transmitter is on the shelf to the right, next to the receiver.

atv station  vmix 

My station is managed using vMix, an awesome bit of gear.  No need to buy an expensive video console.  I've written up an article on vMix here.

I use the smaller Dell monitor on the right as my preview screen, all display devices are driven from a 4 output video controller.  One HDMI port and the Dell monitor are cloned using the Windows feature, and the HDMI to composite converter connects to the transmitter.  So everything I see on the Dell monitor is going to air (when the transmitter is powered up).  The remaining DVI ports drive the large monitors.

For live transmissions from the shack, I use a Logitech webcam.  This setup allowed me to anchor the VK4 portion of the Worldwide ATV QSO party -

For receive I use a Strong SRT5430, manually programmable. Bought from Harvey Norman for $50, there are plenty of cheaper options, connected via HDMI to the Kogan TV mounted up high.  I also have a free to air antenna connected so I can watch the footy downstairs :-)  The STB also drives an EasyCap USB connected AV capture device, this is used by another PC that runs the Adobe LiveStreaming software for the BATC streamer.  The VK4RMG stream is available at this link.