Finally I've managed to get a 9600 baud APRS iGate going. It's only 3/4 of a Watt into an antenna under the house at the moment, running UView32 gating eveything in a 500 km radius to 439.100 MHz. Object is VK4EA-2.
Equipment is an Argent Data T3-9670, they do have an acknowledged issue with decoding from a number of TNCs, however everything should be qble to decode its transmitted packets. My VX8 and the TM-D710 in the car decodes it all, in the next few weeks I'll get an antenna up. If it gets used, I'll think about an iGate located on a hill behind Caboolture, and a digi at Oceanview. All depends whether I get motivated to interface the iGate radio/TNC to a Raspberry PI running APRSX. And if there is sufficient interest in 9600 APRS?